
Help Your Patients Feel Comfortable and Dry

A Product Your Patients Can Trust

If you’re a physician, nurse or medical assistant looking to help your male patients with their urinary incontinence, including after surgery, you can trust that Men’s Liberty will keep your patients dry and comfortable for up to 24 hours. The Men’s Liberty Team is happy to send samples or literature to your office. Get in contact with us today.

doc embrace shoulders of laughing old man sitting on chair at clinic office
24-Hour Dryness
Easy to Apply
Odor Free
Skin Friendly
Covered By Insurance

The Men's Liberty Difference

Men’s Liberty is the first truly innovative device for men’s urinary incontinence.

  • Keeps men dry 24/7

  • Completely external design

  • Skin-friendly hydrocolloid adhesive

  • Secure seal for up to 24 hours

To date, more than 5 million have been sold. Men’s Liberty is the discreet, dignified and dependable option for managing urinary incontinence.Men’s Liberty is a great alternative for incontinence, for long term care facility residents, your patient during surgery, as well as post-op to help keep them comfortable and dry. Best of all- it is easy for your patients to get.

Men’s Liberty is covered by Medicare and over 3,000 private insurances. (*standard co-pays and deductibles will apply). Simply fax a completed Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN) on the patient’s behalf to Men’s Liberty.


Please fill out your information below to request a FREE SAMPLE KIT to your office.

Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN)

In order for your patient to have Men’s Liberty covered by insurance, simply complete and fax the LMN and a copy of your progress notes/ medical records that indicate the incontinence issue and the medical reason why the patient cannot use a condom catheter. The Men’s Liberty team will verify the patient’s insurance and pair them with a distributor.


The patient can complete this section. Ensure the correct primary and secondary insurance is included.

Please select the correct ICD-10 code based on the patient’s condition.

A patient note or copy of medical records must be included:

The medical need for the product must be supported within the patient’s medical record of his treating physician

Patient Flyer

Send your patient’s home with this informative flyer that explains the application process and what they can expect with Men’s Liberty.