Fill Out the Form to Qualify to Try Men's Liberty for Little to No Cost! 

Step 1: Patient Information
Preferred Method of Contact*

Step 2: Doctor Information

Step 3: Insurance Information

By providing your insurance information below, we will take care of contacting your doctor and your insurance company Once we have verified coverage we will contact you when the process is complete to verify insurance benefits and arrange for shipment.

Secondary Insurance Information (Optional)
Opt-In (SMS)
24-Hour Dryness
Discreet/ Odor Free
Safe & Sanitary
Easy to Apply
Over 5 Million Sold
Covered By Insurance

“Men’s Liberty is terrific. I can keep doing what I want to do, without having to worry about running to the bathroom or changing my clothes. It’s a Godsend.”

John in Michigan

“I have ALS, and I didn’t think there was a bladder control device on the market that would enable me to have the quality of life I have with Men’s Liberty. Thank you!”

Glen in Colorado

“I have been using Liberty’s for two years now. The Liberty has given me a life back. I almost lived in the bathroom, not any more! I feel so secure knowing I won’t leak.”

D. Keil, Illinois


What Is Men's Liberty

Men's Liberty is a revolutionary new device used by men to manage bladder leakage that can give you back your dignity and put money back in your pocket! Unlike an adult diaper or pad, Men's Liberty will keep moisture away from your skin and help prevent incontinence associated dermatitis, urinary tract infections, and pressure ulcers.

As an external device, it is applied just once a day. This discreet, one-size-fits-most option manages men's urinary incontinence in a safe way that keeps you dry 24/7. More than 5 million units have been sold.