Questions to Ask Your Doctor, If You Are Experiencing Incontinence

Before you go to your doctor, it is essential to gather some data to arrive at your visit prepared. Coming to your visit prepared will allow you to gain insight into your incontinence, and it will help your doctor find a quicker and more precise solution. First, you should keep a bladder diary. You should note how often you go to the bathroom when the incontinence happens, how frequently it occurs, and whether anything, in particular, seems to aggravate it, such as laughing or specific foods you eat. The NAFC has an excellent template for a bladder diary. Secondly, you should prepare a list of incontinence questions to ask your doctor. Questions will help you get the correct information and answers on the day of the visit.
Here are some examples of incontinence Questions to Ask Your Doctor:
What is causing my incontinence?
Incontinence can be caused by many things such as diet, lifestyle, getting older, or a sign of prostate problems or other medical conditions. Completing the diary can begin to help you and your doctor to figure out the cause.
Are any of my current medications contributing to my incontinence?
Some medications are known to directly cause incontinence, such as high blood pressure medications, antidepressants, diuretics, and sleeping pills. Where others, such as diabetic medications, can cause constipation that can indirectly lead to incontinence. For example, constant straining can weaken the pelvic floor muscles causing stress incontinence. Prepare for your visit by compiling a list of all medications you are taking to share with your doctor. If your medications could be causing your incontinence, it is essential to ask if there is an alternative.
Can altering my medication schedule lessen or remove my incontinence?
Maybe a specific time of day would be a better alternative for you, or your doctor might have a suggestion for taking your medication with or without food to help with incontinence.
Are there any exercises that I can do to lessen or eliminate my incontinence?
Your doctor might suggest an exercise such as Kegel exercises. Many factors can weaken your pelvic floor muscles; here is a quick guide to perform the Kegel exercises correctly.
Do I need to see a urinary incontinence specialist?
Your primary care doctor may refer you to a urologist if you are experiencing symptoms that could indicate a urological problem such as frequent UTIs, severe constipation, or an abnormal prostate exam.
After your visit, if you and your doctor have decided that it is time to treat your incontinence, consider discussing Men’s Liberty with them. Men’s Liberty is discreet and directs urine away from the skin, keeping men comfortable and dry for up to 24 hours. Best of all, many insurance policies cover your supply; Call us today at (866) 217-2301 to talk to our care team. They can explain the product and speak to your doctor to help you regain control over your incontinence.