Incontinence 101

Understanding Urinary Incontinence In Men
Urinary incontinence in men is a serious problem for millions all around the world. While it is mainly associated with older men, urinary incontinence can afflict men of any age.
If you are experiencing an inability to hold urine, you may feel embarrassed and even have a lack of confidence in everyday social situations.
Men with severe incontinence may withdraw and isolate themselves as a result. But there are solutions for urinary incontinence in men. Men’s Liberty is dedicated to providing external catheters that are 100% effective, simple to use, and allow you to regain your pride and dignity.
What Is Urinary Incontinence?
Urinary incontinence in men is where the bladder is not holding or releasing urine in the way it should. Sufferers often find themselves leaking urine by accident. Leaks can manifest as nothing more but a few drops or as much as a full stream.
There are several reasons why incontinence happens and multiple types of incontinence. Men are more likely to suffer from this disease than women. In most cases, incontinence is treatable, but living with the problem can lower your quality of life and limit participation in activities.
Men with incontinence often experience higher rates of depression and commonly experience social isolation. The emotional and social impact cannot be understated.
Nobody is immune from incontinence. Approximately 3.4 million men suffer from incontinence. Contrary to popular belief, incontinence is not an ordinary sign of aging, and it is a perfectly treatable condition.
With the help of Men’s Liberty, you can reclaim your freedom and take back your confidence. External catheters impose a minimal burden and ensure that you can live a full and happy life.
Types of Urinary Incontinence
Every form of male urinary incontinence causes urinal leakage.
And, while most people believe the standard urinary incontinence definition applies simply to urine leakage, several kinds of incontinence exist.
You likely won’t know which type of incontinence you suffer from until you visit a doctor. And, even if you generally understand the meaning of urinary incontinence, generally, you’re probably still asking yourself, what are the various types of urinary incontinence? We can help.
Urgency Incontinence
Urgency incontinence is often known as an overreactive bladder. The main symptom of urgency incontinence is the feeling that you perpetually need to urinate. Your brain tells you that your bladder needs to empty, even though there may be little urine present.
Your bladder muscles will also be constantly squeezing to remove urine from the bladder, even though there is little need.
Other symptoms include:
- Inability to hold urine.
- Wetting the bed.
- Need to urinate after hearing or touching the water.
- Constantly running to the bathroom.
Men with prostate problems are more likely to be diagnosed with urgency incontinence. Some men also experience this form of incontinence after a stroke.
Stress Incontinence
If you feel like you need to go every time your bladder feels some type of pressure, this is known as stress urinary incontinence.
Stress urinary incontinence can cause leakage when you sneeze, cough, walk, laugh, lift heavy objects, or exercise.
Prostate surgery and bladder infections can lead to this form of incontinence.
Overflow Incontinence
Overflow incontinence happens when the bladder is unable to empty itself correctly. Your bladder overflows because it fills up with too much urine.
Common symptoms of overflow incontinence include:
- Need to urinate often.
- Trouble starting urine flow.
- Weak urine streams.
- Straining while urinating.
- Discomfort while urinating.
- Lower abdomen pressure.
It can feel like something is blocking urine from leaving the bladder. It can be caused by a narrow urethra, nerve damage, and an enlarged prostate. Bowel surgery, back surgery, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis are common causes of this incontinence type.
Functional Urinary Incontinence
Functional urinary incontinence is a type of incontinence caused by a disability. Men who suffer from this condition may suffer from arthritis, use a wheelchair, or have a condition that prevents them from making it to the bathroom in time.
Urinary incontinence treatment for the elderly often concentrates on functional incontinence because these men may need a little extra help in getting to the bathroom in time.
Other Types of Incontinence
Men may also find they have symptoms of more than one type of incontinence simultaneously. For example, urgency and stress incontinence often go hand-in-hand.
Transient incontinence is another form of incontinence and occurs as a common medication side effect. People who drink lots of coffee, or alcohol, or have a urinary tract infection (UTI) may experience this kind of temporary incontinence.
What Type of Incontinence Do I Have?
There’s no way to tell which kind of incontinence you have without visiting the doctor. Your doctor will be able to conduct a thorough examination, listen to your symptoms, and determine which kind of incontinence you’re suffering from.
Understanding which type of incontinence you have is the first step to seeking solutions from your primary healthcare provider. Learn more about the types of urinary incontinence below.
Causes of Urinary Incontinence
It can be frustrating to suffer from incontinence without an apparent reason why. Decoding the reasons for your incontinence is a matter for your doctor. In the meantime, Men’s Liberty can support you in coping with the symptoms and at least keep you informed on potential causes.
So, what are the leading causes of urinary incontinence in men?
- Brain Signals – Normal urination function occurs when the brain realizes your bladder is full and needs to be emptied. In people with incontinence, the brain may signal that the bladder is full when it’s not or fail to signal in time.
- Urinary Blockage – A blockage in your urinary system could prevent urine from leaving the bladder. This is a common side effect of certain surgeries and urinary tract infections.
- Muscle Problems – Your bladder can squeeze out urine by releasing the muscles holding urine inside. Muscle issues can make it difficult to squeeze out urine and hold it in.
Depending on the reason, you may need surgical or medicinal urinary incontinence treatment.
Male urinary incontinence products exist to help you cope with the symptoms. You can learn more about the causes of urinary incontinence by clicking the button below:
Living with Urinary Incontinence
Incontinence does not have to define you. It is estimated that up to 80% of men who suffer from incontinence have some form of treatment available to them. Working with your doctor can uncover the treatment options that best support you in continuing to live your life.
Your doctor may prescribe various treatments and recommendations, including Men’s Liberty.
There are also steps you can take to enjoy a higher standard of living, including:
- Plan Ahead – Before you go out, think about where the day will take you. If a specific machine at the gym causes leakage, try a different one. If you are attending an event, know where the bathroom is and plan your route.
- Drink Less – Something as simple as consuming fewer liquids can cause you to urinate less. Try to get more water from food to reduce your urination frequency further.
- Avoid Triggers – Many men with incontinence find that some foods and drinks make them urinate more. Caffeine, alcohol, and spicy foods are all common triggers for the need to go.
- Use a Catheter – An external catheter empowers you to enjoy your life without worrying about where the nearest bathroom is. Whether you choose to consult your doctor about catheter options or utilize Men’s Liberty external catheters, solutions are available.
Ultimately, the best way to approach living with incontinence is to reach out for support. It could mean talking to friends and family about your condition, consulting your doctor, or actively seeking out preventative treatments and solutions.
More than five million Men’s Liberty external catheters have been sold to men who have taken action. Be proactive and get incontinence support today.
Learn more about living with urinary incontinence by clicking the button below:
UTIs In Men and Urinary Incontinence
Can a UTI cause incontinence? UTIs in men certainly can cause incontinence. In fact, most men and women will experience one UTI during their lifetimes.
A UTI is a bacterial infection somewhere within the urinary tract. The urinary tract consists of the bladder, urethra, ureters, and kidneys. Your kidneys are responsible for producing urine, which carries waste products from the body. Urine travels from the kidneys to the bladder via ureters. After the bladder fills up, it sends signals to the brain that a person needs to go to the bathroom.
The urethra is responsible for transporting urine from your bladder and out of the body. When bacteria gets into the urethral opening, it travels up the bladder and causes an infection.
An infection in the bladder can cause it to become swollen and irritated. Urine can then leak out. Some UTIs may clear up without treatment, but a severe UTI may require medical intervention.
In some cases, UTIs can lead to chronic incontinence, which may require you to seek out medical urinary incontinence treatment or use male urinary incontinence products to cope.
Learn more about urinary tract infections for men by clicking the button below:
Urinary Incontinence Support Groups
Support groups exist for those suffering from incontinence. It can be challenging to deal with the condition, and it is not uncommon for anxiety and depression to develop. Never allow yourself to isolate yourself from friends and family or withdraw from your favorite activities.
Joining a support group can bring you together with individuals who are dealing with similar challenges and provides an opportunity to exchange experiences and tips with others.
Take action now by seeking out urinary incontinence support groups in your area. Your primary care provider may also be able to direct you to a dedicated support group.
Alternatively, if you cannot or wish not to attend a support group in person, there are online communities of men supporting each other.
Learn more about urinary incontinence support groups by clicking the button below:
Urinary Incontinence Management Products
Do you need male urinary incontinence products to get you through the day?
Try the world’s gamechanger when it comes to incontinence products.
The Men’s Liberty external catheter is a convenient, dependable, and affordable alternative to condom catheters, invasive internal catheters, and adult diapers.
Take back your freedom with Men’s Liberty today.